
OpenStackNewtonProjects.Thispagecontainsproject-specificdocumentationforOpenStackservicesandlibraries.OpenStackServices.,Traininglabs¶·NewtonsupportshouldbeavailableshortlyaftertheOpenStackrelease.·Thisdelayisintentional,toletthedistribution ...,OpenStack第14版Newton定位為整合引擎,主打企業能夠透過單一API來管理裸機、虛擬機器與容器調度架構(ContainerOrchestrationFramework),並強化擴充性、 ...,...

Newton Services and Libraries

OpenStack Newton Projects. This page contains project-specific documentation for OpenStack services and libraries. OpenStack Services.

Newton release

Training labs¶ · Newton support should be available shortly after the OpenStack release. · This delay is intentional, to let the distribution ...


OpenStack第14版Newton定位為整合引擎,主打企業能夠透過單一API來管理裸機、虛擬機器與容器調度架構(Container Orchestration Framework),並強化擴充性、 ...

OpenStack® 最新版軟體Newton正式問世—具整合虛擬機

Newton的發佈象徵著OpenStack在整合虛擬機、實體機與容器於單一雲端平台能力上的再進化。憑藉更高的自動化程度,使OpenStack更能實現輕鬆設定、操作、變更 ...


The Newton release of OpenStack is no longer supported by the community. For more information about the release, refer to the releases web site . Minimal ...

基本套件安裝與設定· OpenStack Newton 安裝for Ubuntu

基本套件環境安裝. 本節將說明部署OpenStack 前的初步軟體安裝與步驟,其包含安裝Database、Message Queue、NTP 等,如以下目錄所示:. Network Time Protocol.

Provider networks 主機環境設定· OpenStack Newton 安裝for Ubuntu

這邊採用 Neutron Provider networks 模式來提供Layer 2 虛擬化網路給虛擬機使用,本架構最小安裝情況下會使用一台的Controller 以及兩台Compute 節點(可依服務需求增加),在 ...


Newton的發佈象徵著OpenStack在整合虛擬機、實體機與容器於單一雲端平台能力上的再進化。憑藉更高的自動化程度,使OpenStack更能實現輕鬆設定、操作、變更 ...

53 new things to look for in OpenStack Newton

OpenStack has reached its goal of supporting cloud-native applications in all of their forms -- virtual machines, containers, and bare metal.

Newton Language bindings

OpenStack Newton API Bindings. This page contains documentation about the Python bindings provided by OpenStack and how to use them. Use the dashboard and ...